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What is a dinosaur? & when did they live??

What is a dinosaur? & when did they live??

Monday 30 May 2011

Woolly mammoth

Woolly mammoth
A great deal has been found out about woolly mammoths from analysis of carcasses frozen in the Siberian permafrost and from depictions in ancient art. They were built like elephants, but with adaptations to prevent heat loss - tiny ears, short tails and a thick coat of dark brown hair. On the underbelly, the hair grew up to a metre long and was probably shed in the summer. Their trunks ended with two 'fingers' that helped pluck grass. Humps of hair and fat behind the head made the shoulders seem higher than the pelvis. However, the front and back legs were actually about the same length.

Scientific name: Mammuthus primigenius
Rank: Species
Common names: Tundra mammoth

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